Fr Ar

Biotechnology and Plant Improvement >> Socio Economical Impact
Although the durum wheat is essentially cultivated in the North and in the Centre of Tunisia, the region of Sfax remains one of the pioneers of food industry based on cereal and especially on durum wheat (couscous, pasta ......).
To estimate the technological-biochemical potentialities of our former varieties of durum wheat, our laboratory will become a hyphen between the producers of durum wheat (Agricultural regions) and the transformers of these products, and will put research techniques and tools to satisfy all the needs. The laboratory aims at the creation of new tolerant varieties in abiotic stress. Tunisia is a great importer of durum wheat and consequently suffers from a strong dependence from the outside. The new generated varieties may be used in the Tunisian agriculture.
The laboratory also aims at a technological innovation where the natural molecules (essentially of vegetable origin) are more needed than those who are synthetic in diverse biotechnological and industrial aspects. We aim to introduce some of these macromolecules and enzymes in new fields of food and non-food applications or other specific purposes authorized by the public market