Fr Ar

Maintenance >> Presentation
The service of maintenance of the CBS was created in 1989 which main objectives are:
  • The installation of the material in the research laboratories and the heavy equipment of the Unit of Valorisation of the research Results "UVR".
  • To establish a systematic and preventive program of maintenance of all the equipment to ensure the good continuity of the research tasks and to increase the lifespan of this equipment.
  • To take part in the technological development of the projects with the necessary studies, the design and the realization of the control stations for the valorisation of the research projects.
  • To make the necessary modifications according to the needs and the adaptation of the available equipment for the use according to needs.
  • The participation in the studies and follow-ups of the construction of the new head office of the CBS.
  • To establish the programs of systematic and preventive maintenance of the electric components, fluids, stations of water treatments and civil engineering of the buildings.
  • To draw up the necessary maintenance contracts.